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Beschreibung District map of Bougainville Province, Papua New Guinea
Quelle Eigenes Werk
Urheber Isaac Sutcliffe

Explanation of details

This political map shows the of North Solomons or Bougainville Province, which is an autonomous province of Papua New Guinea, that is geographically located in the Solomon Islands, forming a part of the Bismarck Archipelago, southwest of New Ireland.

Papua New Guinea has five levels of government:

  • Federal Based in Port Moresby, The National Government serves to address national and multinational issues. Serving under the Queen of the Commonwealth, this government is led by the Prime Minister, who is elected by the people.
  • Provincial Each of Papua New Guinea's eighteen incorporated provinces and one autonomous province has a provincial government which has varying responsibilities depending on the province. The provincial government is led by the Governor, who is periodically elected by the people.
  • District Each of the provinces of Papua New Guinea has a number of districts. The nation has 86 districts, each led by a DOIC, or District Officer in Charge. The DOIC is often elected in the coastal areas and often appointed by the provincial government in the highlands. The national capital of Papua New Guinea is located in a district that is not part of any province, but is geographically located in Central Province, called the NCD or National Capital District. This arrangement can be considered similar to the District of Columbia in the United States of America. A district has a population of about 40,000 to 250,000.
  • LLGs or Local-Level Governments Each district has one or more Local Level governments, which monitors and governs local issues. There are 296 LLG areas, each with a Mayor or President position which is sometimes appointed, sometimes elected, and sometimes not served. A LLG generally has a population of about 2,000 to 50,000. LLGs tend to split when population exceeds 40,000.
  • Wards Each Local Level Government Area has a number of wards, there are approximately 22,000 wards in Papua New Guinea. A ward can have a population of 10 to 1,500 people.


Included in the map is the three major districts of the province, North Bougainville, Central Bougainville and South Bougainville. This map demonstrates the areas of the Pacific Ocean and Solomon Sea that is controlled by these districts. Districts are marked with a large maroon font.


Included in the map are the ten main island Local Government Areas, and the two island Local Government Areas of Bougainville. North Bougainville has the most LLG areas at six, and Central Bougainville has the least at two. LLGs are marked with a small maroon font in italics.


Major Island groups and some major islands are marked on this map in black italics.


Major settlements are marked in a large black italic font, and placed with a red dot. The capital is not marked separately, as the true provincial capital is disputed between Buka and Arawa. Arawa is traditionally the provincial capital prior to the civil war of Bougainville which started in 1990 and officially ended in the year 2000.


Public domain Dieses Werk wurde von seinem Urheber Isaac Sutcliffe als gemeinfrei veröffentlicht. Dies gilt weltweit.
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