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Datei:Seoul Nightview(2009).jpg

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English: An invitation to my city -

This is a panarama photo I took in December, 2009. The shots were taken at the observatory near the top of Namsan around 6pm local time. With a perfect mix of the past and present, there are so many things to see here in Seoul - the city of the future. Checkout the Downtown area(as shown in the photo) with government buildings, palaces, businesses, shops and theaters etc. If you want to experience the nightlife of a young Seoulite, goto Apgujung or Hongdae. Myeong Dong is where you want to go shopping if you don't know what you want and if you are a Gucci girl(or a guy), Cheongdam is where the Maison de Gucci/LV/Ferragamo etc are. Where ever you go, you'll meet energetic people and if lucky a new friend who will open your eyes to your own future.

Seoul, according to Wikipedia: "Seoul's influence in BUSINESS, INTERNATIONAL TRADE, POLITICS, TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION and ENTERTAINMENT all contribute to its role as a prominent global city. It is considered to be an ALPHA WORLD CITY, ranking 9th in the 2008 Global Cities Index.

It is one of the WORLD'S TOP TEN FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL CENTERS, home to some of the world's largest conglomerates such as SAMSUNG, LG and HYUNDAI-KIA. Seoul was Asia's most expensive city to live in 2007, and the THIRD MOST EXPENSIVE CITY WORLDWIDE. With a GDP per capita of $32,171 in 2008, Seoul has a living standard comparable to France and Italy.

In 2008, Seoul was named the WORLD'S SIXTH MOST ECONOMICALLY POWERFUL CITY by, ahead of Paris and Los Angeles.

Seoul is the 2010 World Design Capital and has one of the world's most technologically advanced infrastructures. It is RANKED FIRST ON THE DIGITAL OPPORTUNITY INDEX, and its Digital Media City is the world's first complex for high-tech technologies, a test-bed for futuristic IT and multimedia applications, as well as home to the 133-floors, 640m supertall DMC Landmark Building, slated to be the WORLD'S SECOND TALLEST BUILDING by 2015.

Seoul is the only city in the world featuring DMB, a digital mobile TV technology and WiBro, a wireless high-speed mobile internet service, as well as the WORLD'S FASTEST, most penetrated 100Mbps fibre-optic broadband network, which is being upgraded to 1Gbps by 2012."
Quelle Eigenes Werk(Inchang Moses Sye)
Urheber Moses81(Inchang Moses Sye)


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