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Benutzer:Shoshannah Brombacher

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Shoshannah Jeanne Brombacher (1959) is an author, artist, scholar, and maggidah (spiritual storyteller) from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She holds a Ph.D. from Leyden University (Holland) in medieval Hebrew poetry of the seventeenth century Sephardic Community of Amsterdam and has contributed to projects about Jewish manuscripts, books, and tombstone inscriptions. She taught, researched and studied in Leyden, Amsterdam (the Ets Haim Library andthet Joods Historisch Museum), Jerusalem, at the Free University of Berlin, and New York. Her worsening hearing loss forced her to leave the academic world and dedicate herself to art and writing. She organized courses for adults and children and currently lives in Berlin, where she dedicates her time to art, writing, lecturing, and telling Chassidic stories. The teachings of the Chassidic Masters fascinated her since she discovered them in her father’s study long ago. Her paintings are a tribute to the Chassidic way of life and service to HaShem, which spread light in a dark world. Her themes include Jewish lore and legends, travels (the Venice murals), social justice (poetry of Nazim Hikmet Ran, OWS), classical music (Beethoven series), poetry in many languages, and custom art for special occasions, like weddings, kaddish and bar/bat mitzvah. Brombacher has participated in, curated and organized international art exhibitions and won several awards and grants for her work which is in museums, (private) collections and institutions in all five continents. She is currently the vice-president of the American Guild of Judaic Art and has an art-blog: and contributes regularly to other magazines, blogs or calendars as well, like Her website is She publishes some of her work on

Membership of art organizations:
• American Guild of Judaic Art AGJA (Vice President)

• Jewish Art Salon, New York
• The Creative Soul
• Atara
• Jewish Women Artist’s Network 

Brombacher (co/)authored and/or illustrated several books and articles (the academic articles are not listed here).

- Chofne zetim: handen vol olijven; de poëzie van Selomoh d’ Oliveyra, rabbijn en leraar van de Portugese Natie in de 17e eeuw te Amsterdam (J. A. Brombacher; in Dutch) - Sefer Mikhtam Ledavid. Een Gulden Kleinood (H. den Boer, J. Brombacher, P. Cohen, Liber Amicorum D. Goudsmit, librarian of the The Ets Haim - Livraria Montezinos Library, Amsterdam; Dutch and English) - Meetings with Remarkable Souls (E. Klein, illustr. S. Brombacher) - Letters of Light (A. L. Raskin, illustr. S. Brombacher) - When the Shouting Began (S. Sher, illustr. S. Brombacher) - The Light and Fire of the Baal Shem Tov (Y. Buxbaum, cover S. Brombacher) - I See Only Light (S. Brombacher, H. Hamburger) - Holy Eating (R. Schwartz, S. Brombacher) - Serach (Y. Buxbaum, illustr. S. Brombacher) - Theophanie (C. Zaffora, illustr. S. Brombacher; in Italian) - Under the Chuppah, A Jewish Couple’s Guide to Weddings and Meaningful Marriage (B. D. Forman, S. Brombacher) - Painting the Dybbuk. Between Two Worlds. Ansky’s Play seen through an Artist’s Lens (S. Brombacher) - The Little Rose on the Mountain (S. Brombacher) - Smokescreen (B. D. Forman, S. Brombacher) - The Golem in Brooklyn: The Golem Exhibition at the Brooklyn Jewish Art gallery at CKI (curator and catalogue: S. Brombacher) - A New Oracle of Kabbalah: Mystical Teachings of the Hebrew Letters: For Insight, Perspective, and Guidance (R. Seidman, S. Brombacher) - Le Confessioni di Abulafia (C. Zaffora, S. Brombacher; in Italian) - On One Foot. The Life of Hillel. (D. Zaklikowsky, illustr. S. Brombacher) - Pictorial for The Story of My Life. Various Events and Episodes of an Orphan.By Pinkhes-Dov Goldenshteyn: Seen through the eyes of an artist. (S. Brombacher) - Haggadah shel Pesach. The Passover Haggadah (S. Brombacher) - Rebbe Nachman's Tales: Stories for Personal Refinement (B. D. Forman, S. J. Kaplan, S. Brombacher) - Bitachon Amsterdam, Liber Amicorum voor A.M. (Dolf) Aronson (S. Brombacher, article and illusr.; multiple authors; Dutch and English) - Inspired. Rosh Hashanah Prayer Companion. Ch. Dalfin, S. Brombacher et al. ed. Ch. Witkes) Shall We Dance (S. Brombacher, B. D. Forman) - For Strangers passing Through (S. Brombacher) - The Cat in the Cap and the Better World (S. Brombacher) - Avraham Abulafia’s Seven Paths of the Torah on Sicily seen though the lens of an artist. An artistic synchresis of a 13th century kabbalistic text and its visual interpretation by a modern artist (S. Brombacher) - The Loving Wind (G. Goldman, illustr. S. Brombacher) - Sefer P’ri Etz Yitzhak Fruit of Yitzhak’s Tree (S. Brombacher, B. D. Forman)

Brombacher designed calendars, posters, book and CD cover art for synagogues, institutions, Jason Aronson Publishing, Y. Buxbaum, Ch. Dalfin, S. Raz, B. Wein, M. Warschauer, E. Okonsar, C. Zaffora and others. She created posters for museums, films, the Yiddish Rep Theater (New York), Occupy Wall Street, Oranienburger Strasse Synagoge, and others. 
 Statement: Art makes the world within visible. My art is a tribute to music and to our heritage, especially the Chassidic world. The Kotzker Rebbe once listened to a story-teller in the street talking about the Baal Shem Tov and stated, “He told what he wanted and I heard what I needed.” That is art. Art connects people!

Main Exhibitions (not included are auctions, fundraisers, and minor shows) 1980-now:

Liberaal Joodse Gemeente, The Hague, The Netherlands (solo) University of Leyden, The Netherlands Rova haYehudit, Jerusalem (solo) Podaytzer Synagogue, New York (solo) Brownstone Gallery, New York Tribeca 148 Gallery, New York Silver Palette Gallery, Cedarhurst NJ Neumann/Shaynberg Galleries, New York Gallery 124, Springfield NJ Cong. B’nai Avraham, New York (several solo exhibitions) Cong. Mount Sinai, New York (several solo exhibitions) Camille’s Clover Hill, New York (group and solo) Grand Hotel Heerlen, The Netherlands (solo) Kunsthuis Huebens, Maastricht, The Netherlands Staten Island Community Center (SI, New York) Brooklyn Jewish Art Gallery BJAG in Park Slope, New York (several group and solo) Union of American Hebrew Congregations UAHC in Manhattan, New York (solo) Riverdale Temple, New York (solo) Beth El Florida Art Festival Tealounge, Brooklyn, New York (solo) Palm Beach Center for Jewish Art, FL Salon de Quartier, New York (solo) KVB Financial District, New York (solo) Terror: Artists Respond, New York Freyberger Gallery, Reading Pa Sixth Street Community Synagogue, New York (solo) Chulent Yiddish Theater, New York (solo) Cong. Beth Torah, New York Creative Soul in Crown Heights, New York (several group exhibitions) Reznik Gallery, New York Hebrew Institute Riverdale, New York The Lower Eastside Jewish Conservancy, New York (solo) Anne Frank Center, New York Maayan Gallery, New York Portiersloge, Groningen, The Netherlands (solo) Belski Museum of Art, NJ Sherwin Miller Museum of Jewish Art, OK GalerieDeStoker, Amsterdam,TheNetherlands Brooklyn Jewish Art Gallery at CKI, New York (group, solo, and curator of The Golem in Brooklyn at BJAG) NY City Lore, New York Resistance, Yiddish New York, New York Marcus JCC Atlanta, GA Manny Cantor Center, New York Plein van Siena, Amsterdam, The Netherlands One Before Escape Gallery, Brooklyn, New York (solo) Peninsula Jewish Community Center, Foster City, CA Oranjekerk, Amsterdam,TheNetherlands. Raawi, Germany Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt, Germany Walanka Exhibition 2023 (curator, Internet)
 For more information visit the website of the artist and contact her via email/Facebook: e-mail: Facebook: Shoshannah Brombacher Shoshannah Brombacher