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Nach der Änderung von Benutzer:Cosal entspricht die Definition nun der eines Piraten, nicht wie vorher der eines Freibeuters. Nach meiner Kenntnis gibt es aber einen Unterschied zwischen Pirat und Korsar, der genau derjenige ist, dass er im Auftrag eines Staates agiert.
- It is appropriate to stress the fundamental difference between the pirate, faithless and lawless without conscience or decency, known in the Mediterranean as a bandit, and the corsair or privateer, who, in the Maghreb, only existed through his faith and as one who respected the law. Indeed, privateering was based on two fundamental principles: it was one of the forms of war practiced by the Maghreb against the Christian states, which conferred upon it a dimension that was at one and the same time legitimate and religious; and it was exercised in a framework de fi ned by a state strong enough to enact its rules and control their application. (Daniel Panzac: Barbary corsairs. S. 9.)
- Pirate and corsair. The terms can be used synonymously, or an important distinction can be made in which corsair is not a simple outlaw and searoving brigand but a maritime warrior who chases enemy ships and raids enemy coasts and ports for a nobler cause, especially religious or patriotic. In mordern historiography, their use can be helpful in detecting a scholar's points of view or biases. (Svatopluk Soucek: Navals Aspects of the Ottoman Conquests of Rhodes, Cyprus and Crete. S. 221, Fn 4.)
- Vgl. Encyclopedia of the Ottoman Empire, S. 148, Artikel corsairs and pirates: [1].
- Vgl. Marisa Huber: Holy Wars and Piratical Governments: Barbary Corsairs, Introduction: [2]
- Vgl. Fatima Maameri: Ottoman Algeria in Western Diplomatic History with Particular Emphasis on Relations with the United States of America, 1776-1816. S. 87 ff.: [3]
Vielleicht sollte der Artikel nicht den Ausdruck "Korsaren", sondern eher den Begriff im Sinne des Korsaren, des Freibeuters etc. behandeln. --Arturius 12:21, 10. Nov. 2014 (CET)