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Diskussion:Noah Rosenbloom
Rabbi Dr. Noah Rosenbloom (he died in 2007), a pulpit rabbi for over fifty years and longtime faculty member at Yeshiva University's Stern College for Women.
He was the author of Luzzatto's Ethico-Psychological Interpretation of Judaism: A Study in the Religious Philosophy of Samuel David Luzzatto (New York: Yeshiva University, 1965); Tradition in an Age of Reform: The Religious Philosophy of Samson Raphael Hirsch (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1976); Malbim: Exegesis, Philosophy, Science and Mysticism in the Writings of Rabbi Meir Lebush Malbim (Hebrew; Jerusalem: Mossad ha-Rav Kook, 1988), among other scholarly articles and books.
Noah Rosenbloom received his rabbinic ordination from RIETS and his graduate dissertations were entitled: "The God-Ideas of the Leading Hebrew Poets During the Period 1933-1948" (PhD, New York University, 1958) and "The 'Taz' and Its Author: A Study of the Life and Work of Rabbi David Halevi, author of the 'Turei Zahav'" (DHL, Yeshiva University, 1948). You might also like: